The Council of Brazilian Representatives Abroad (CRBE) is a channel for the communication between the Brazilian community abroad and the Brazilian government – through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE). It aims to identify the main needs and aspirations of Brazilians living outside their country, in order to make the department of Foreign Affairs aware of them, as well as helping to define policies that benefit the emigrated community.

The CRBE was created by Presidential decree n° 7.214, on 15th June 2010, which defined the government policies for Brazilian communities living abroad. The decree also instituted the Brazilians Abroad Conference (CBM), which takes place every two years and aims to reinforce the dialogue between the Brazilian government and the communities of Brazilians living abroad. The CRBE is composed of Brazilian citizens living in various regions of the world and their councils.

The mandate for CRBE members is two years. At each election, the group must prepare a plan of action to be executed by all its members during their mandate. The CCBV has been a member of the CRBE since its inception.


Current elected members for 2016-2018 period

  • General coordination: Netherlands Council of Citizenship, Marcos Viana
  • Secretary-General: Tokio Citizens Council, Miguel Kamiunten
  • Communications coordinator: San Francisco Citizenship Council, Valeria Sasser


Coordination of thematic dialogue tables:

  • Table 1 (Social Security, Social Service, Gender/Sexuality Issues, Health): Oslo Citizens Council, Celma Hellebust
  • Table 2 (Entrepreneurship, Work, Remittance, Return and Emigration): Beirut Citizens Council, Rosalie Bou Assi
  • Table 3 (Consular Services): Madrid Citizens Council, Elizabeth Firmino
  • Table 4 (Culture): Berlin Citizens Council, Vanessa Domingues
  • Table 5 (Education): Washington Citizens Council, Ana Lucia Lico
  • Table 6 (Membership): Brussels Citizenship Council, Adenilson Pereira
  • Table 7 (Judicial Issues): Hamamatsu Citizens Council, Etsu Ishikawa


Regional coordination: 

  • Europe: Geneva Citizenship Council, Lorenz Richard Koch
  • North America: Miami Citizens Council, Silair Almeida
  • South America: Mendoza Citizens Council, Dedé Vargas
  • Middle East: Ramallah Citizens Council, Fátima Muhammad
  • Asia and Oceania: Nagoya Citizens Council, Edilson Kinjo

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